Introducing T-Quest: The Entertainer, Voiceover Goddess, and Boss Lady

T-Quest is one of Connecticut’s most ambitious entrepreneurs, currently residing in Florida. She is the ultimate entertainer, host, and voiceover goddess, known to her fans as “The Voice” of the industry. She is the host of The T-Quest Show with DJ ILL NINO, which can be heard on over 20 radio stations and streaming platforms. As a journalist, she writes for Straight Official Magazine, Apex Couture Magazine, and The Quest Effect Magazine.

T-Quest is also a business mogul. She is the co-owner of multiple radio stations, including Gotta Love Me Radio—the home of the music and conversations you want to hear—and the newest addition, WQRB RNB Radio. She also owns The GLM Collection, which includes music, clothes and cosmetics. To top it off, she co-owns GLM Designs, catering to all your graphic needs.

T-Quest brings a style that is all her own. Her music—all written by herself—is upbeat, original, and creative. Her vibe is hypnotic and her stage presence is electric. She will always leave you wanting more of her!

To keep up with all of T-Quest’s amazements, download The T-Quest App in your Google Play store and Apple store. Check out her website at and follow her on all streaming platforms at @TQuestGLM.


Writer for Straight Official Magazine

Writer for Apex Coture Magazine

Senior Editor for Ryder Magazine


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